
Showing posts from May, 2021

Within the four walls

The world's ending I thought.  Is it a dawn or a dusk?  Wait! Still there a sun! I hear crows of death I see lighted sirens all around Is it a warning?  Will the butterflies switch to moths?  Song of silence, not so sweet. The four walls, awfully dark.  Days stand, so mute and numb. Peaceless mind and sleepless nights Even my pen, so frozen and pale. Why chain me in, Fate?  Is it just a nightmare? Where are those happy laughters?  Where are those friendly chatters?  Has my world shrunken so small?  I sleep,I eat, I cry.  I scream so loud For no real reasons! Where are the rays of hope?  Oh! I've turned a pile of doubts.  Why clog my head, Dark clouds?  Why deserted me, lovely Dreams? Why cage me in, cruel Fate?  Why cut my wings?  When all I wish was to Fly!

My Love was blind

Love put me a prey To the ugly dark fate Now Im crying all night Under my tear soaked blanket  Pillows held tight to my mouth,  What if others hear me wail? Thanks to the rain on my roof! Kept the noice intact. The tears, the pain, The stone in my heart, Strangles me every lonely seconds Now Im drowing in my past deeds, Those words still haunt me, The bloody ignorance calls me fool, The sorrows engulf me, As I lay alone in this dark room. All because my Love was blind  And still is blind.

It's not easy to move on when all you need is to hold on

To my dear chocolate cream soldier ♥

Just a moment


Just a dream

To my dear Chocolate cream soldier ♥

Under the Purple Umbrella


Random Scribblings


Loosing Best friend is like Hell


Like a Rose
