Living the lyrics, Singing my Love
We love a song for many things
Some for it's music
Some for it's lyrics
And some for both.
And people like me love a song because of the love for the person who sings it.
I mostly love a song for it's lyrics.
Lyrics makes me fall in love with the song and trust me it's a love at first sight.
But the irony is that every lyrics makes me remember him.
When I sing those songs it's like falling in love with him every time. It's like celebrating my love for him. It's like living with him. Feeling him.
Even if he is a million miles away, I could feel him sitting next to me as my best friend, as my lover, as my everything, as my world.
I love to feel those million butterflies, when I feel his presence.
Songs make me dream of the days when our children run around us with joy, When we always stand for eachother, when there will not be any fear to rule us, when we sing together once again and when we praise our lord for that wonderful life together.
Every songs I sing, I live it with him. It's my love for him.
It's Us living our everythingship.
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