Love Met Butterflies

         I always believed life would never be a fairytale.  I believed life would be hard,  full of stones,  tears and would be nothing like what we see in films. But most of the time I was right.  All that pain, peaceless nights, tear soaked pillows,  helpless vails ,all was the same as I expected. I expected this, but still I'm hurt.  It's not true, what MJ says in Spiderman,"If you expect dissapointment,  then you can never really be dissapointed." Maybe my life can never be like a movie.  But there was indeed an incident that was so dramatic like in a movie. More like,  in a cliche romantic movie. May be that was the most shyfull and the blissful moment in my life that I miss each and every second. I felt trapped like a Heroine in a movie in the hands of the Hero. 

         It was this same day,  two years ago, 26 January,  2020 . I was deeply in love with this man. He was my chocolate cream soldier  or you may call him so.  I've not  confessed my feelings to him that time. But my love for him was burning inside me finding no outlet to let it out. He was my teacher, and I was his student. Don't take me wrong, my teacher was in his youth maybe twice a couple of years older than me. He lived somewhat near to my house.But this student was head over heels for that teacher. There wasn't really any reasons, there was no rights and wrongs.  Love just happened, I loved him a lot and that was all enough for me. Maybe I never thought of confessing. But I did loved his presence and the classes with him was the best time I ever had in my life. And I never wanted to loose him under any circumstances. So some part of me wished if I had the guts to confess! All I had in mind was that,  I won't let me loose him just because I haven't confessed my love to him . 

       It was a beautiful Sunday morning. But thoughts were boiling inside me like in a pressure cooker. It was then my handsome teacher entered the class. I don't know why, my heart was raising. I felt so nervous that my hands were shaking. The class went great as usual. As we both live in  almost same location, we return home by the same way. He usually goes first and then me. The reason was that if I see him in the way,  I'll get nervous. So I try to leave after him.

       But that day,  after the class. I waited for him to leave first so that I can leave after him.  I was lingering around to give some time for him to go. But that day,  he was doing the same as well. It was getting late,  and I have to fight a battle with my father every time I reach late.  That was troubling me as well.  
After some time,  he left.  And I was relaxed that I wouldn't have to see him in the way. Don't take me wrong, I was so nervous, and not that I don't love him. I too left for home after him.  He used to have a white scooter back then,  and every white scooter on the road made me anxious as well.  The colour was so  catchy that anyone could spot it from  a distance. That day also, I spot that white scooter parked in front of a medical shop on my way back home and there he was coming out  from that medical shop. Oh! My heart paced like a turbine. I lost my senses.  All I had in my mind was that I have to reach home before he crosses me. I paced my scooty ,  I don't remember the speed. But I never went that fast ever in my life. 

        The rest was all a joke that we used to laugh whenever we talked about it. He always teased me with that incident. And sometimes I loved those teases as well. 
        We have to go through a narrow road on our way back home. And ofcourse the road have wonderful curves as well.  I was riding at a  very high speed and that I didn't got enough centripetal force to turn and ride the scooter at the same time. So my scooter went straight into the house infront me as I was not able to take the turn. My scooter hit the wall of the house. Thank God!  That house didn't had a gate. Or else I would have to pay their maintenance charge as well.  I jumped off from my scooter, and the scooter fell to a side hitting the wall. Even then all that I could think was to take the scooter and escape before he comes. I tried to pick it up. That I was the first time I realized that it was too heavy for me.  Unable to accept the sad truth I still tried to pick it. All was in vain. It was then I saw him enter the narrow road.  

      Frustration? Nervousness? Anger? I have no idea what I felt that second, inside me. I gave my scooter some thrashes with my leg. And it was all over.  He caught me. Like a theif caught by the police, I yielded to him. 

      But my teacher was so kind to me.  He stopped beside me and picked up my scooter for me. Guess I don't  have to explain what I would have felt that moment. That was the first time, he came so close to me.  Forget the heart,  that was the first time I felt butterflies in my stomach.  I never knew what it was,  why it happens, maybe an adrenaline rush.  But I did felt the butterflies like what they say in the movies. And yes! Sometimes movies can be true as well. That was the best moment in my life. And yeah! Like in every romantic songs in films, the beach would be left isolated for the hero and heroine. And here also, I hit a wall, my scooter fell, I created a havoc there and still not a single soul appeared other than my Love.  How filmy, isn't it? 
My teacher helped me, but I was so nervous that I couldn't even face him to thank him. Thank God I wore a cap that day or else there wouldn't be any need for me to confess my feelings to him. He would have directly read it from my eyes that moment. That was the day our story really began. That was how Love met Butterflies.
         That day I believed life can be filmy too.  Not only the tragic moments from films happen in our life. Even lovely things do happen like in mine. Today when I sit here writing it down,  I really wonder how far we have come from that short filmy incident. We lived two years of love and distance. Still I can feel those lovely butterflies whenever I think of my handsome teacher. I can still relive those phone calls where we laughed about that incident. I could hear his lovely laughs in my ears even now.  
Now when we are miles away from each other, without words, without smiles, living a fear consumed life, the memory of that moment gives me courage to wait for my teacher,to control my longing till we meet next time, once again like in a film. This life or in the next. My butterflies will live forever and so do my love for him. And Love will meet butterflies again.


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