Your Lime Green Smile 💚
The first ray of sunshine, in my day's light
In Emerald hue,you shine so bright
Your Golden old eyes , So deep and wide
Lures me in like an Ocean tide.
Your eyes met mine in an instant's time
Your face lit up or were they mine!
Your lime Green Smile whispered out your mind
And your eyes so gentle and kind .
Your silver strands like a snowman's dare
Neatly knit to your dusky hair,
Drew me close to your messy might
Like a warm embrace in a winter's night.
I'm young and silly but you're cool and older
I'm naive and lost but you're wise and wiser
Yet in your gaze, I'm already seen
And in my heart,you always reign.
Your short legs, an alluring charm,
Your tiny hands, with curly locks so calm.
Your tanned skin and yellow eyes so vigilant
A perfect blend of love and beauty so radiant.
Years,like rivers, so fast and cold
Splits us apart, as young and old.
But in your presence,time loops me in
Love's grand illusion, forever within.
But to your ears, I'm always heard.
Your husky words, my sweet abode.
Your lime green smile, a haven of peace,
I met my muse, and words at ease.
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