The Ironical Me!
I plan dresses for my wedding (even took some screenshots for inspiration) but I don't really plan to marry.
I have already decided the church where my Wedding would take place, though I have 0 interest in marriage.
I put stories hiding everyone, just for me to see.
I put song on Instagram for me to come and hear whenever I get bored. (Self-love is sometimes insanity)
I look for love in every eyes I meet, though I'm afraid of falling in love. ( In fact horrified)
I plan to have two kids (a boy and a girl), though I never wanted to go through the damn process. (Silly me)
I write things down, though I know that I am the only one who's going to read it ever. (I hate promotions🤭)
I plan to travel a million countries, but I don't really wish to move an inch from my home. (I love India,Kerala, Thiruvananthapuram, Venganoor)
I give a million advices to everyone around though my life is already a mess. (I guess in this I'll have a million company🤭)
I don't know much English, still I choose to write in it.
I don't want to marry, still I wait for that one to knock me down so that I can get married to him. (Hypocritical me).
I want to be a writer, but I'm so lazy to put down what's in my head.
I want to be a singer in a band, but I'm too shy to sing in public (this is a dream that I haven't told anyone)
I love to make friends, but I won't even try, cause I know that they are going to leave me one day. ( Some people are so good to make me their friend. And I'm honoured)
I love to bring millions of pets to my house especially dogs, but I'm so lazy to look after the ones that I already have (poor things)
I want to do things right, but I always do the wrong.
I try to move on, when all I want is to hold on.
I want to be selfless but again I chose to write about me.
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