Art : The Divine Reflection 🪞💫

Let God be God again 
Let his words be our way
Let not his words be tainted
By the cheap human rules. 

Say,Who linked modesty to clothes? 
Who said Mehandi is for Islam
And Bindi is for Hindus? 
The greatest Teacher never
Shut His heart before Art. 

Who said coloured nails provoke  the Divine Ire?
And movies condemn the soul to guilt and fire?
Isn't Art a gift from the divine muse? 
Isn't God the patron of  the Divine juice?

God and religion, two disparate Realms
One so perfect and the other meaningless.
One is Love and the other, fuels hatred
Let faith never conceal God's Radiance.

Why link religion to Art?
Let Plato not spoil the Aristotle 
Let religion never hide the lovely God
Let conventions never rule out Art
Let Art be Art again.
A reflection of God's Perfection.


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